
Attention communication majors with a 3.3 or higher GPA who want to sharpen their research skills or stand out in the job market or for graduate school: the Communication Studies Honors Program is open for applications. Requirements include: an overall GPA of 3.3 or higher as well as a 3.3 or higher in all Communication […]

Communication studies professor Margaret Quinlan and her research partner Bethany Johnson are exploring the challenges of modern motherhood and have been highlighted in a number of recent artciles. You can take at look at them at the following links: Academic Minute She Knows You’re Doing it Wrong

Assistant Professor Bibi Reisdorf is co-author on an article that discusses how knowledge about how algorithms work is unequally distributed among Americans — and how this may affect how people perceive the information they find through search engines. With her PhD student at Michigan State University, Kelley Cotter, Dr. Reisdorf has published “Algorithmic Knowledge Gaps: […]

The one college student in the state honored for creating and leading innovative projects that address community needs is a UNC Charlotte Communication Studies major. Senior Neariah Mandisa-Drummond is the 2019 recipient of the John H. Barnhill Civic Trailblazer Award. Read more about her inspiring achievements on Inside UNC Charlotte.

Dr. Bianca Reisdorf, assistant professor with the Department of Communication Studies, recently traveled with MA student Megan Foster to Washington DC to present their paper “Digital Reentry: Uses of and Barriers to ICTs in the Prisoner Reentry Process” at TPRC47 (the 47th Telecommunications Policy and Research Conference). TPRC promotes interdisciplinary thinking on current and emerging […]

Join us April 9,2019 for a special presentation by Heather Carmack who will be speaking to us on the role of communication in medical error disclosure. Free to all attending.

At the National Association of Communication Centers conference held at UNC Greensboro March 29-30, Veronica Shoemaker, UNC Charlotte’s Communication Studies undergraduate student and University Speaking Center consultant, received the 2019 National Communication Association’s “Outstanding Undergraduate Tutor” award. Shoemaker, who has served as a consultant since September 2017, received top honors for quality individual consultations and […]

Next stop, Rio, for Department of Communication Studies Associate Professor Min Jiang. Jiang has accepted a CyberBRICS Fellowship to spend six months in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, starting in May. Hosted by Brazil’s top law school, FGV Law School, Jiang will work with other fellows on data protection and cybersecurity policy research in BRICS countries, […]

The University of North Carolina Charlotte hosted its first Charlotte Motor Speechway Invitational Speech Tournament last weekend. Teams traveled from Alabama, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina and New York — making for a very competitive weekend. University guests included Chancellor Philip Dubois and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Administration Chris Bates. Among tournament judges were Communication […]

Dr. Jason Black, chair of the Department of Communication Studies, has been honored as the 2018 Faculty Member of the Year for the Charlotte chapter of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority. “I’m genuinely honored to win an award chosen by some of our department’s brightest students,” Dr. Black said. “More than anything, I’m grateful to […]

Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director Jaime Bochantin recently shared her expertise about Millennials in the workplace/career world. Check out the WTVI-TV story featuring Dr. Bochantin via Scroll down to click on the box titled: ”Millennials Leaving Corporate America.”

The inagural class of the UNC Charlotte Young Alumni Chapter’s 10 Under Ten Award includes a Communication Studies alumna. Ohavia Phillips (pictured, front row, center), who graduated in 2015, is a producer for Spectrum News as well as host of YouTube program “The Oh Show,” which aims empower, inspire and offer practical advice to help […]

The UNC Charlotte Speech Team traveled to Westchester, Pa., Oct. 13 and 14, to compete against students from St. Joseph’s University, George Mason University, Seton Hall University, James Madison University, Suffolk College and others at their first tournament of the season. Students Rebecca De Luna, Misty Morin and Samantha Darwin competed in persuasive speaking, poetry […]

Dr. Min Jiang, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Chair of the Confucius Institute Faculty Advisory Council, has taken on leadership roles, both long- and short-term. Starting in January 2019, Dr. Jiang will begin her four-year tenure as Associate Editor at Sage journal Communication & the Public. This international, peer-reviewed journal publishes “both theoretical and […]

Congratulations to Professor Christine Davis on the release of her new book, Talking Though Death. Co-authored with Deborah C. Breede, the book examines communication at the end-of-life from perspectives including interpersonal (patient, provider, family), mediated, and cultural. With author-conducted research as well as the research of others, the conversational, narrative text aims to help students, […]

The 2018 edition of our departments Ezine is now available! Included in this year’s issue: Student Spotlight: Jacqueline Sanchez,Alumni Establishes Graduate Students Travel Scholarship,Student Spring Break in Ireland,Tim Horne Reflects on Tenure in Forensics,Jaime Bochantin is New Graduate Program Director, A Meeting of Four Department Chairs and much more!

A special journal section of the International Journal of Communication. has become available, “(Un)civil Society in Digital China.” The section, co-edited by Dr. Min Jiang, UNC Charlotte associate professor of Communication Studies, explores an authoritarian state uses the Chinese Internet to concentrate and solidify its power — in the name of civility, rationality, and order. […]

In with the old and with the new! A UNC Charlotte speech and debate team member qualified to attend the oldest and most prestigious public speaking competition in the United States, while the team has brought on a new director to begin in Fall 2018. Each year, the top two persuasive speakers in every state […]