Endacott Wins International and National Dissertation Awards

Endacott Wins International and National Dissertation Awards
Multiple Awards Presented for Organizational Communication Research on Artificial Intelligence and Work
Charlotte, NC: In May, 2022, the International Communication Association named Camille Endacott, Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at UNC Charlotte, winner of the W. Charles Redding Dissertation Award at their annual conference in Paris, France. The award recognizes a dissertation that makes a significant contribution to the field of Organizational Communication through theoretical and methodological rigor.
“This dissertation provides a significant contribution to the literature on organizational, computer-mediated communication and identity, by analyzing the role of artificial intelligence through the lens of identity construction and enactment” states the Redding Awards Committee.
In August, 2022, the Communication, Digital Technology, and Organization (CTO) division of the Academy of Management also awarded Endacott the Gerardine DeSanctis Dissertation Award at their annual conference in Seattle, Washington. The award recognizes a solo-authored conference paper based on a recent dissertation that represents outstanding scholarship in the area of communication and digital technology.
Endacott’s dissertation explored how employees’ use of AI technologies to manage their schedules shaped their work and how they were represented to others. “What most excites me about this work being recognized is that it encourages more conversation about AI that is not only about profit or productivity, but also about how AI shapes how people relate to their work and to themselves,” says Endacott. “I’m hopeful that future scholarship will continue to explore how AI technologies change work and for what and whose ends.”
Read more about Endacott’s research and teaching here.