Employer Information

Are you a company seeking interns?

For Companies Interested in Sponsoring Internships: Please follow the instructions below.

All companies interested in advertising a communication-related internship must use Hire-A-Niner to post their internships. Please tag “Communication Studies” as a major in the “College of Liberal Arts and Sciences” and provide the job description, pay information, eligibility requirements, application instructions, etc. Since students are not “placed” in internships, and there is an overwhelming number of internships available, there is not a guarantee every company that advertises through Hire-A-Niner will find an intern. However, by continuing to update internship opportunities through Hire-A-Niner, companies are more likely to find a qualified intern/s. Offering an internship requires a second step that is specific to our department, Communication Studies; the person who gives the offer must review the Internship Employer Packet and submit all necessary information to the new Qualtrics Survey so that their intern can register to receive credit for their internship: If the student/intern is eligible to register for Comm 4410/4445 or Jour 4410 (eligibility requirements are listed in the Internship Employer Packet), a permit will be issued for registration and an email sent to the site supervisor with the links to the Early and Final Evaluations; that email will serve as a site supervisor’s receipt that the Qualtrics Survey has been received. The site supervisor is the person who will oversee the internship.