News & Events

The inagural class of the UNC Charlotte Young Alumni Chapter’s 10 Under Ten Award includes a Communication Studies alumna. Ohavia Phillips (pictured, front row, center), who graduated in 2015, is a producer for Spectrum News as well as host of YouTube program “The Oh Show,” which aims empower, inspire and offer practical advice to help […]

The UNC Charlotte Speech Team traveled to Westchester, Pa., Oct. 13 and 14, to compete against students from St. Joseph’s University, George Mason University, Seton Hall University, James Madison University, Suffolk College and others at their first tournament of the season. Students Rebecca De Luna, Misty Morin and Samantha Darwin competed in persuasive speaking, poetry […]

Dr. Min Jiang, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Chair of the Confucius Institute Faculty Advisory Council, has taken on leadership roles, both long- and short-term. Starting in January 2019, Dr. Jiang will begin her four-year tenure as Associate Editor at Sage journal Communication & the Public. This international, peer-reviewed journal publishes “both theoretical and […]

Congratulations to Professor Christine Davis on the release of her new book, Talking Though Death. Co-authored with Deborah C. Breede, the book examines communication at the end-of-life from perspectives including interpersonal (patient, provider, family), mediated, and cultural. With author-conducted research as well as the research of others, the conversational, narrative text aims to help students, […]

The 2018 edition of our departments Ezine is now available! Included in this year’s issue: Student Spotlight: Jacqueline Sanchez,Alumni Establishes Graduate Students Travel Scholarship,Student Spring Break in Ireland,Tim Horne Reflects on Tenure in Forensics,Jaime Bochantin is New Graduate Program Director, A Meeting of Four Department Chairs and much more!

A special journal section of the International Journal of Communication. has become available, “(Un)civil Society in Digital China.” The section, co-edited by Dr. Min Jiang, UNC Charlotte associate professor of Communication Studies, explores an authoritarian state uses the Chinese Internet to concentrate and solidify its power — in the name of civility, rationality, and order. […]

In with the old and with the new! A UNC Charlotte speech and debate team member qualified to attend the oldest and most prestigious public speaking competition in the United States, while the team has brought on a new director to begin in Fall 2018. Each year, the top two persuasive speakers in every state […]

The new Second Vice President for the Southern States Communication Association is UNC Charlotte’s own Dr. Shawn Long, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs within College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Professor and former Chair of the Department of Communication Studies. “I am humbled and grateful to be elected to this leadership position,” Long said. […]

Two students from the UNC Charlotte Forensics Team traveled to New York to compete at the Long Island Forensic Extravaganza on Saturday, Feb. 24, and the Southern and Northern Forensic Union Tournament on Sunday, Feb. 25. Results for Day 1: Michael Drew Coley, Theater and Accounting major from Concord, N.C.: 5th in Dramatic Interpretation Rebecca […]

“Empathize, but don’t project” is among the helpful advice two Communication Studies faculty members share in a pair of articles in “Vital,” a health humanities magazine, illuminating aspects of their infertility research. In a piece entitled “Race, Racism, and Infertility” for which they are interviewed, Associate Professor Margaret Quinlan and Research Faculty Associate Bethany Johnson […]

Many fire departments try to minimize accidents and injuries through after action reviews. Associate Professor Cliff Scott helped study what makes for a good or bad after action review, what makes a review satisfying to attendees, and the review’s impact on group safety norms. His study also looked at the effects of good attendee behavior […]

Three Department of Communication Studies associate professors were honored at the recent National Communication Association convention. Dr. Loril Gossett (pictured) shared in a book award for Best Edited Book of 2017-Applied Communication Division. She is a co-editor with two others for “Volunteering and Communication Volume 2: Studies in International and Intercultural Contexts.” Dr. Margaret Quinlan, […]

Communication Studies student Julio Cazares has been awarded the prestigious James McCormack Scholarship for his achievements through the Office of Adult Students and Evening Services (OASES). In addition to being a full-time student, working two jobs, advocating for adult students on campus, and volunteering with local charities, Julio also aims to give back upon graduation. […]

Two Senior Lecturers and two Adjunct Professors for the Department of Communication Studies were recognized at last night’s Men’s Soccer Faculty Appreciation Night. Senior Lecturer Melody Dixon-Brown, plus Adjunct Professors Kaye Lewis and Debra Tobin, were on the field for their recognition. Each player chose one faculty member to honor for supporting the player’s success […]

They traveled from North Carolina to Nebraska to take home a pair of awards. Yes, at the 2017 Annual Conference for the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender, in Omaha, Nebraska, top honors went to a pair of UNC Charlotte Department of Communication Studies faculty/researchers. First, for their research on communication surrounding […]

Senior Lecturer Debbie Baker has become high society — 1946 Society, that is! In a surprise invitation from Chancellor Philip Dubois, the Department of Communication Studies and University Speaking Center leader was welcomed into the 1946 Society’s Gold Circle. “The 1946 Society celebrates those who demonstrate loyalty through continuous annual support of UNC Charlotte,” Ms. […]