Book Examines Impact of Trump

Two faculty members in the Department of Communication Studies edited the just-published The Personal Is Political: Body Politics in a Trump World.
The book, edited by Professor Christine S. Davis and Associate Professor Jonathan Crane, gathers a diverse collection of scholars to document the ways in which marginalized peoples have experienced the Trump administration. Essays ask the reader to think through tough narratives of exclusion, exile, and pain.
“The challenge in this book is to represent the unrepresentable, to document in chilling detail how Trump, his allies in government, and his unshakeable base have weaponized the culture war and threatened the ideals of the Republic,” explains the book’s flyer from the Brill publishing house. “The editors also hope this collection suggests a way forward, a way to defeat American nativism and a way to end the war on those of us who are, on this sad day, our nation’s public enemies.”