News & Events
Communication Studies own, David Landrum has won the 2014 North Carolina Governor’s Award for Excellence in Public Service. This is the highest honor a State employee may receive. David will be honored during the Excellence in State Government Week this year. This is a significant honor for David, the Communication Studies department, CLAS and UNC […]
Congratulations to Dr. Quinaln on her new co-authored publication. Carmack, H. J., DeGroot, J., & Quinlan, M. M. (in press). “Topping from the bottom”: Relational convergence of meaning in domestic discipline relationships. Sexuality & Culture, SECU-D-14-00007
Communication Studies very own, Dr. Jon Crane has been nominated for the 2014 Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence. This is a very high honor and Dr. Crane, along with the four other nominees, will convene in Founders Hall on September 5 for the awards ceremony. You can read more about this prestigious honor […]

Dr. Quinlan received an Emmy for her work on the documentary series, The Courage of Creativity, that explores the role that creativity and artists can play in the well being of people in the health related context. For more about the award and the documentarty, check out the full feature in Exchange Online.
Celia Karp, a communication studies student, has received a highly competitive and prestigious Fulbright award. Celia received UNC Charlotte’s first Fulbright Study/Research grant since 1991. Celia will spend her Fulbright year in Ecuador working on her project “Communication, Culture, and Health: Investigating Maternal Mortality in Ecuador.” Celia is also one of the inaugural Levine Scholars. […]
The forensics team, led by director Tim Horne, had an outstanding weekend at Ocean City, MD for their final tournament of the semester. Despite only have five members, one member was unable to make it to the tournament, the team received 16 awards in 7 categories of speech and 1 group award. Additionally, Nicole Palacios […]
Congrats to Dr. Quinlan on her recently accepted manuscript: Mazer, J. P., McKenna, T., Quinlan, M. M., & Titsworth, S. (2014). The dark side of emotion in the classroom: Emotional processes as mediators of teacher communication behaviors and student negative emotions. Communication Education, To be in July 2014 issue.
The Forensics team had an excellent weekend at the College of Charleston. In fact it was the best weekend tournament results thus far for Director of Forensics, Tim Horne! UNC Charlotte had 26 entries for this tournament and received an award for 19 of them. Hoke Pittman made finals in all 7 of his events […]
Congratulatios to Dr. Leeman and Dr. Jiang for winning appearing on the Top Paper Panel, Rhetoric and Public Address Division at the upcoming Southern States Communication Association meeting in New Orleans. Leeman, R., Jiang, M., & Fu, K-W. (2014). The Obamas speak at the Democratic National Convention: The Sina Weibo response. 2014 Southern Communication Association […]
Dr. JIang was recently intervied about the role of WeChat in the Chinese Social Media scene. You can read it here.
Congratulations to Dr. Jiange for her upcoming political articles. Jiang, M. & Okamoto, K. (Forthcoming). National identity, state ideological apparatus, or Panopticon? A case study of Chinese national search engine Jike. Policy & Internet. Schlaeger, J. & Jiang, M. (Forthcoming). Politics as usual? A case study of Chinese local government microblogging. China Information.
Dr. Quinlan has been working on a documentary that includes an organization she has been studying for the past two years, DooR to DooR. The first trailer for the documentary can be seen below.
The UNC Charlotte forensics team had a great weekend at the CFA Holiday Invitational and brought home a bevy of awards. The wins were as follows: Hoke Pittman – 1st place Dramatic Interpretation Hoke Pittman – 2nd place Prose Hoke Pittman – 2nd place Duo Interpretation Hoke Pittman – 3rd place Poetry Matthew Morales – […]
Dr. Cristine Davis has recently published her new book, Conversations about qualitative communication research: Behind the scenes with leading scholars. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
Congratulations to Kristen Okamoto, whose MA thesis Running alone, together: The embodied identities of Running Works athletes, was selected as the winner of the 2013-14 Graduate Dean’s Master’s Thesis competition for the Social Sciences. This is a university wide competition.
The UNC Charlotte Forensics team had a great showing this past weekend at the CFA Fall Invitational. The team recorded the following results. Matthew Morales – 1st place Prose 3rd place Informative Nicole Palacios – 3rd place After Dinner Speaking 3rd place Impromptu 3rd place Poetry Hope Crawford – 1st place Persuasion UNC Charlotte – […]
Congraulations to Dr. Quinlan for her accepted publication Hurdle, C. E., (nursing graduate student) & Quinlan, M. M. (2014). A transpersonal approach to care: A qualitative study of performers’ experiences with DooR to DooR, a hospital-based arts program. Journal of Holistic Nursing, She co-authored this article with a nursing graduate student at UNC Charlotte.
Dr. Dean Kruckeberg, is to be awarded an extraordinarily significant honor. The Public Relations Society of America has announced that Dr. Kruckeberg is to receive the Atlas Award during PRSA’s international convention in Philadelphia in late October. The Atlas Award is given for “lifetime achievement in international public relations,” and the list of recipients is […]