
Brais Named Honorable Mention
Dr. Sayde Brais has been named Honorable Mention Finalist for the UNC Charlotte Award for Teaching Excellence. The UNC Charlotte Award for Teaching Excellence honors full- or part-time non-tenure track faculty members who have at least five years of teaching service at UNC Charlotte (lecturers and adjunct faculty). You can read more here about this year’s finalists. The finalists and […]

Gallicano Presents on ChatGPT
In August 2023, Dr. Tiffany Gallicano gave an invited lecture to our university’s subject librarians on ChatGPT titled “The use of ChatGPT for research and information seeking: What students need to know.“

Stellar Season Start for Charlotte Speech Team
Five member of the Charlotte Speech Team traveled to Rome, Georgia on Oct. 29th to compete in their first in-person tournament of the year, the Berry College Autumn in the Mountains tournament. They had an incredible showing earning three tournament championships and Third Place in overall Team Sweepstakes! Individual results: Rhetorical Criticism: Champion, AJ Siegel […]

Endacott Wins International and National Dissertation Awards
Endacott Wins International and National Dissertation Awards Multiple Awards Presented for Organizational Communication Research on Artificial Intelligence and Work Charlotte, NC: In May, 2022, the International Communication Association named Camille Endacott, Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at UNC Charlotte, winner of the W. Charles Redding Dissertation Award at their annual conference in […]

Davis Wins Career Teaching Award
2022 Lloyd Rohler Career Teaching Award Presented by the Carolinas Communication Association Christine Salkin Davis, Professor of Communication Studies, has been awarded the 2022 Lloyd Rohler Career Teaching Award by the Carolinas Communication Association (CCA). The award recognizes continuing excellence in teaching and mentoring. “I’m really deeply honored to receive this award at the end […]

Welcome Dr. Cameron!
The department warmly welcomes Dr. Shanice Cameron as a tenure track Assistant Professor. Cameron recently defended her dissertation, Locating the Everyday: Black Women, Well-Being, and Digital Media. Shanice explains, “I examined how dominant health discourses limit Black women’s access and engagement with well-being practices (i.e., running, therapy, and veganism). Relying on aspects of netnography, I […]

2021 Ezine Available Now
2021 DEPARTMENT EZINE Included in this year’s issue: Profile on New Chair Dr. Grano Dr. Davis and Dr. Crane Analyze Impact of Trump in Politics Graduate Student Profile: Daviana Fraser & Mark Manning Creation of Shawn Long Center and more!

Professor Shares Health Advocacy Strategies
Dr. Ashli Stokes, Professor in the Department of Communication Studies, presented as part of a recent US-Moldova Sharing Session, organized by UNC Charlotte’s Department of Public Health Sciences. During the session on Friday, Feb. 26, Dr. Stokes discussed effective advocacy strategies that lead to positive health changes. The presentation was provided to UNC Charlotte Public […]

Conference Accepts Student Thesis That Investigates a ‘Hybrid Firestorm’
A Communication Studies honors student’s thesis on Covid-19 and online advocacy has been accepted at the National Conference for Undergraduate Research. The abstract for Olivia Lawless’s honors thesis abstract explains how she is “investigating the role of the pandemic on social media engagement and advocacy in the Black Lives Matter movement. On a larger scale, […]

Honors Student Defends Thesis
Communication Studies Honors Student Timberly Southerland has successfully defended her Honors thesis, “The Politics Of Rhetorical Identification: A Critical Examination of Identification in Barack Obama’s 2008 Campaign Rhetoric.” Timberly’s advisor was Dr. Nance Riffe, and committee members were Dr. Jason Black and Dr. Ashli Stokes. Click to learn more about the Communication Studies Honors Program.