
Stokes’ Book to be Featured in NC Reads
Dr. Ashli Stokes’ recently co-authored book, Hungry Roots: How Food Communicates Appalachia’s Search for Resilience, was chosen as one of five selections for NC Reads and will be featured in April 2025. Read more here:

Endacott Invited as Keynote Speaker at Baylor University
Dr. Camille Endacott was invited to be a keynote speaker at Baylor University’s Corporate Communication symposium on October 9, 2024. The title of Dr. Endacott’s title was “Agents of Change: How AI Communicates for Us and Shapes Our Work.”

Jiang Elected Vice Chair within ICA
Dr. Min Jiang was elected Vice Chair of the Communication Law & Policy Division of the International Communication Association (ICA) effective in 2025 during the upcoming ICA Conference in Denver, CO. The Vice Chair becomes Chair after 2 years, serving another 2-year term.

Speech Team Places in Multiple Events
The Speech Team competed in two tournaments hosted by James Madison and George Mason Universities between October 5 and 6, 2024 in Virginia. The team placed 3rd at George Mason University. James Tawes placed 3rd in Individual Sweeps and 1st in Prose. Isaac Lainez placed 1st in POI and Poetry. Elise Bagley placed 1st in […]

Stringfellow’s Episodes Air on PBS
The latest episodes written by Rodney Stringfellow for the PBS Kids preschool series, “Alma’s Way,” began airing on PBS stations in October 2024. He will have a total of four new episodes to premiere on the network.

Scott Wins Best Paper Award
Cliff Scott, with co-author Krista Engemann ’17 M.A., ’22 Ph.D., won the best paper award at the Interdisciplinary Network for Group Researchers conference for “In Pursuit of the ‘Magic Second’: An Action-Implicative Examination of Talk in Pit Crews’ Post-Competition Debriefs.” The conference was hosted at UNC Charlotte from July 18th-20th 2024.

Jiang Invited to Participate in Global Meeting
Between April 29 and 30, 2024, Dr. Min Jiang participated as a member of the High-Level Executive Committee (HLEC), at the invitation of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee, in the global multi-stakeholder meeting NETmundial+10, themed “Global Challenges for the Governance of the Digital World,” in São Paulo, Brazil.

Jones Cameron Wins Top Paper Award
Dr. Shanice Jones Cameron won the top paper award at the 2023 National Communication Association conference in the African American Communication and Culture division. Cameron received the award for her paper titled “Black People Don’t Do That”: Discursive Barriers and Black Women’s Digital Well-Being Networks” presented on Friday, November 17th during the recent annual conference.

Basinger Selected to Present in Distinguished Scholar Series
Dr. Erin Basinger has been selected by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to present in their Distinguished Scholar Series. This series provides a forum for three speakers each semester to present their “innovative research and scholarly activities related to diversity, equity and inclusion in society.” Dr. Basinger’s talk will take place on October 18, 2023 at 5:30Pm in The […]

Gallicano Selected as Panelist
Dr. Tiffany Gallicano was one of three panelists for AEJMC’s webinar, titled “AI in the JMC Classroom,” hosted by the association’s Standing Committee on Teaching on September 19, 2023. Approximately 50 participants attended, and more than 100 people registered for the recording.